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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Contact Us / FAQ

1. How fast do you ship? -shipping usually takes 24 hours or less on business days.

2. Will I get the disc in the picture? -you’ll get the disc in the picture unless noted otherwise in the item description. Some stock items are identical.

3. I need to talk to someone. – E-Mail  or Facebook Message us for quicker results.

The Disc Golf Fly Mart's Origin Story

 I’m Bart Zandstra, PDGA # 11924. I started The Disc Golf Fly Mart in the mid 1990s. I’d been playing since the late 80s and as the new wings came out all of our games evolved. I would buy a stack of 5 or more discs that I threw and keep them in my vehicle. Other players, seeing my plastic, would convince me to sell some of my private stash as discs were not readily available. It was very rare to see a golf disc for sale in ANY retail environment let alone national chains. ( I saw my first disc golf pro shop at Morley Field in California in 1989). 


I started stocking up to hundreds of discs and eventually earned the moniker ‘The Van Man’ at local courses. My 2 main suppliers were Brian Cummings (triple HOF inductee) and J-Bird Discs, the KING of Fly Dye discs.

Triumph and Tragedy

My online sales started in the early Ebay days of the late 90’s. My user name was Channel Z’s Disc Golf Fly Mart and I opened an Ebay store and worked it up to 1000 in stock discs when disaster struck. I had been contacted by Ebay about a complaint from Whamo concerning the use of the word ‘Frisbee’. They gave me a few days to remove the offending word which I did but I missed it in 1 of the 1000 items. The next day my store was gone. It took almost 3 years to grow it to 1000 discs and I was devastated. I contacted Ebay and then Whamo and plead my case. Turns out the Whamo guy was a disc golfer, new to the company and we shared mutual friends which was not unusual back then as the disc golf family was much smaller. He straightened out the issue with all parties and my store was reinstated, but without any of my inventory. A skeleton of a store was no store so I bought the domain ‘’ and began growing my store from scratch again.